Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine
Association of Researchers of EU Values in Education (AREVE)
Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration (APREI)
Genoa University (Italy)
University Zilina (Slovakia)
Lodz University (Poland)
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
National Academy of Public Administration
Sumy National Agrarian University
International scientific-practical conference
for students, young researchers, PhDs, practitioners and academicians
Kyiv, 25th of May, 2020.
Topics of the Conference:
1. Modern interdisciplinary status of social cultural activity.
2. Social cultural dimension of the personal and professional development.
3. Social cultural activity as prerequisite of the innovative and sustainable regional development.
4. Social cultural technologies of the community development: European experience.
In the frame of the conference will be held the on-line Round Table Debates “The best EU practices of community development (10.00 – 14.00)
Languages of conference – English, Russian, Ukrainian.
The registration link is here (https://forms.gle/hrYq9eQuCXcVxhnz5) .
The link for translation will be send to all registered participants and will be placed on the web sites www.sceges.info and www.fmon.npu.edu.ua
For further details: +38 (097) 295 60 90, +38 (050) 311 34 35 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.