December 12, 2019 at the National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, the international conference "EUROPEAN VALUES AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL COHESION IN THE EDUCATION" was held. Studios "(587057-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE), which is being implemented at the National University MP Dragomanov. The international web-conference was held with the personal support of the rector of NPU. MP Dragomanov, Academician V.P. Andrushchenko, who opened the plenary session of the conference with his report "The main trends (values) of European education", in which he emphasized the importance of building a platform of common European values that the higher education system needs. Also at the inauguration of the event was the Vice-Rector for International Work of the National Pedagogical University. M.P. Drahomanov Professor VG Lavrynenko, who noted the importance of European values in education, spoke about the current project of the Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities of Europe - "Pedagogical Constitution of Europe". About Jean Monnet Program, its strategic objectives for the study and implementation of European values in Ukraine, was reported in detail by Mr. PI Krainik, Jean Monnet Program Expert at the National Erasmus Office. The plenary roundtable also highlighted European best practices for the implementation of European values in education. For example, Dr. D. Spulber of Genoa University reported on the creation of an inclusive educational environment, and the internal project of the Jean Monnet SCEGES module Dr. K. Barantseva told about the innovative experience of Polish universities. Also at the plenary session was academic coordinator of the module Jean Monnet SCEGES Professor M. Nesterov with a report on the achievements of the module in the field of implementation of European values and best European practices of social cohesion in the educational environment of Ukraine, as well as the prospects for further studies, work. Dr. M. Chulaevskaya, a member of the Module team, reported on her developments in the field of integration of European values into the system of values of Ukraine.
The conference was organized in the following directions:
1. European values in the higher education system of Ukraine and the EU.
2. European studies of social cohesion in education.
3. Inclusion and skills development of the 21st century as basic principles of EU education policy.
4. Lifelong learning and community-oriented universities as major drivers of economic and social development.
5. Practical educational technologies based on social cohesion.
After the plenary reports, sections were organized in the aforementioned areas and 5 master classes were held to demonstrate practical educational technologies based on social cohesion.
More than 270 people attended the international web conference: M.P. Drahomanov was attended by 110 participants (representatives of various HEIs, school directors, students, representatives of public organizations, professional associations, etc.). Also, more than 160 participants were involved in the conference - representatives of foreign and domestic universities, directors of schools participating in the project supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Development of social cohesion of subjects of educational process" from all regions of the country. The conference was broadcast online from 10am to 5pm, a recording of the conference was posted on the SCEGES project website, and a link to the broadcast was posted on the @SCEGES project Facebook page. The materials of the international conference will be published and published on the website of the Jean Monnet SCEGES project, Faculty of Education and Science Management of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, published in the scientific journals “Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology”, “Higher Education of Ukraine”. Event details are available at: and
Information on the Social Cohesion in Education and Governance: European Studies (SCEGES) project 587057-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE:
Project implementation period: 1/09 / 2017-31 / 08/2020, recipient of NPSU grant. M.P. Drahomanov. Academic Coordinator: Ph.D. Prof., Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Innovative Technologies M.P. Drahomanov Marya Nesterova. Contacts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +380503113435 (What's up), + 38097-295-60-90 (Viber).