The EU project under the direction of Jean Monnet's Module "Social Cohesion in Education and Governance: European Studies" continues the implementation of the planned activities. Training "European Cohesion Policy for Ukraine", on October 21-22, almost 40 people participated in the training at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine



During the training, Module teacher M. Chulaevskaya revealed the principles of functioning of the European Union as an international organization of a special type, contemporary challenges and problems of European society cohesion in a broad and narrow sense, drew attention to the disintegration processes in Europe: their causes, consequences, possible ways. The participants had an opportunity to discuss Brexit issues, its impact on the development of the UK regions, such as the cities of London, Wolverhampton, Canterbury, as well as scenarios for developing relations with the EU in countries such as Norway and Switzerland.

All participants received certificates for participation in the training.

So if you are still interested, follow the announcements and join the following events!